This past week and a half has been crazy for the Swain kids. Boston had a double ear infection that we were treating with antibiotics, 5 days later he had a reaction to them. The reaction presented itself as a nasty skin virus called Erythema Multiforme. It is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. After these pictures were taken it got much, much worse. He started running a fever and at one point was lifeless and lethargic. His entire body, with the execption of his face had welts that were bright red with white centers and then later turned purple. The appearance of it in some spots looked like bruises. Not at all what you want to see on your baby. After all of this Kaitlyn came down with pink eye, and when we took them to their check-up appointment, Boston had another double ear infection which they treated with a mean little shot that we had to repeat 2 days later.